What saves this child? Raising awareness about her illness


A couple of weeks ago my center broke our record which was 1,314 donations of plasma donors in one week.  We just received our plaque today!


That’s an average of 187 per day, but we usually are in the 200s most days.  We broke 2 tiers (1200 & 1300).  This is a HUGE accomplishment and I thank my wonderful staff and donors.


 So I am sure that most of you wonder what exactly goes on in this building.  I know some people think they have an idea and have formed some type of opinion on the concept of donating blood plasma for money.  Some people may feel that it’s unethical or a contradiction of getting paid for a donation. So I’d like to clear up some of the misconception.  First of all I am the Director of this facility.  I have been with the company since February of 1998.  When I applied I did not think that I would be there past going through Nursing school.  However, once I was done with school the opportunity to be their Nurse presented itself, I took it.  No holidays, great hours, better pay, paid Insurance, a great 401K, bonuses, and no Sundays.  Not many Nurses had these benefits, so I stayed.  Then the opportunity came up for me to be the Director in 2005 and that’s the job I’ve been doing for almost 10 years.  Last year in July we were bought out by Bain Capital.  Much different concept than before, many changes that we have gone through and continue to go through.  However, through different decisions and concepts we have been able to grow from doing an average of 700 donations weekly to the 1314 we just reached.

heart blood

To grow means to save lives in this industry.  That is one concept that I wish people understood more of. Most donors give on a regular basis and that out of the 1314 we may do in a week that 60-80% of those donors come back for a 2nd donation.  Yes, donors do receive compensation for their time.  They are paid money on a debit card.  Donors average $15-50 a donation and some are making much more if they have plasma for certain programs.  The plasma that is donated is tested and confirmed tested prior to being shipped to a pharmaceutical company where it is purified.  We send our plasma to Biomat and some of our other locations (we have 34) send theirs to BPL (in the United Kingdom) which is also part owner of our company.   Blood is made up of 55% plasma, 44% red blood cells, and 1% white blood cells and platelets. We use an automate machine that extracts your blood, separates the plasma from the blood, then returns the blood back using the same sterile needle.  Since you are not losing whole blood you are able to donate twice per 7 days.


The plasma that has to be given contains infection-fighting antibodies as well as other proteins.  Those proteins are used to make live-saving medications for life threatening conditions, a variety of illnesses and auto-immune disorders.   These conditions include Hemophilia (clotting issues), Primary Immune Deficiency and CVID-Common Variable Immune Deficiency (part of the body’s immune system is missing or does not function as seen here in Cody’s picture.  Thank you to his momma Madalyn for sharing his photo with us!


                       Most diagnoses occur under the age of one and usually are genetic.

Pictured below is Jhett who was about to have a scope of his belly and esophagus and was not happy about taking some “yucky” meds.


Burn and car accident victims, and patients in surgery may benefit from Fresh Frozen Plasma. Plasma is used to make Rho-gam for pregnant mothers (myself included).  Rho-gam prevents death of an unborn child due to Hemolytic Disease if a mom has a negative blood type.  Having my girls would not be possible without Rho-gam.   Plasma also helps children with Kawasaki’s Disease, which affects the blood vessels, lymph nodes, and more seriously the heart.  People that have accidently been exposed to Hepatitis B can receive a medication made from plasma.  People that have been vaccinated against chickenpox may aid in helping produce an Immune Globulin for pregnant women exposed to chicken pox while pregnant.  There are some companies using plasma to help come up with ways to deal with Alzheimer’s and skin cancer.  So without plasma donors many people would die.  It takes about 1000 donors for an infusion of IVIG.


I decided to contact some people on Instagram to have them share their stories or photos. Everyone was very generous and VERY thankful.


I was able to give a letter and a picture of Adelyn that her mom wrote to each staff member at our Annual Christmas party.  It was a moment I’ll never forget. Silence, respect, happiness, and sadness all at the same time was felt in the room.


I was also able to share Megan’s letter with my staff.  One of her posts on Instagram about 2 weeks ago…”Exceptionally thankful for all of the blood and plasma donors as I start my 200th infusion tonight”. #plasmadonors #pidd #cvid #plasma.   I have high hopes my staff can be reminded of just how important their job is and how much someone daily is thanking them for the gift of life.  Her letter below…

letter 2

So even though I do not personally know any of the above people, my heart feels like I do and for that I am thankful for my opportunity to serve those in need.

So here’s to my staff…Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all YOU do!

Here’s to my donors, new and old.  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

If you are interested in donating blood plasma see us here at one of our locations!

xoxo cheri


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